Notice: SuPHP Conversion
Packages: Linux Hosting Packages Only

SuPHP Or PHPSuExec as most people call is a module that increases the security of the server and executes PHP files under the owner of the file instead of the Apache user i.e. nobody. The advantages of having suPHP are:

1. Files and Directories those need 777 permissions to write into will no longer need those permissions and will result in an “Internal Server Error”, The maximum permissions a directory or a file (writable) will need is 755. For these we will change all your current 777 permission folder to 755 and 644 for any of your files.

2. The php_value or php_flag configured will no longer work for .htaccess, you are required to inform us to any kind of modification due to php module, for example when u need register_globals on or off, upload_limit, memory limit by contacting us via email to, If they are placed in .htaccess it will result in an “Internal Server Error”.

3. All the files and directories uploaded via the browser will have the ownership of the user they are uploaded under instead of ‘nobody’.

4. You will be able to edit/remove the files which are uploaded via the browser or Ftp. Without suPHP you will facing difficulties to do so.

If you have any problems on loading the website after the suPHP conversion, please contact us by providing us the full url for your applications and the steps to reproduce the errors in order for our technical support to troubleshooting your issue.

MesraHosting Support Team

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

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